Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tres Palabras

For those of you who don't know Spanish, and/or didn't have the pleasure of the Senoras at North High (MUSTANGS! Anyone?!)...that means three words. What are those three words you ask?


What in the world is Snuggle Nappy Time?

Well it's this odd, very odd, ritual where a 31 year old man (who hasn't had a Saturday off in months), his 29 year old wife (who is 39 weeks pregnant), and their two beasty dogs (pitty pitterson and carolina the belle dog) climb into bed at 1 o'clock on a Saturday afternoon and snuggle and nap for 2 hours.

Why would we do such a thing?

With baby due anytime, and therefore no more good solid sleeps for the forseeable future, why in God's green Earth would we not???!!!

Sidenote, mom and baby both look good. Medicine and rest brought the BP down, so now we wait for labor to start on its own:)

So Flippin' Excited!


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