Saturday, August 27, 2011

It might be time.

Time for what? Well, it might just be time to start the no sugar, give my body a good kick start, healthy living kind of thing. Why? Well, there are some solid reasons:

1. I have some baby weight to lose. I gained 30 pounds with Hudson. That's great, I was proud of every. single. pound. I grew that child to perfection! Despite losing 20 pounds right away, I am back up a bit. By a bit, I mean 10 pounds. I think this is mostly because I am not as active (it's dang hot) and I've noticed I eat so fast that I eat a ton! And it's not always healthy.

2. My big baby boy is starting solids. He loves the purees and fruits/veggies mashed and mixed with oatmeal or breast milk (or both). BUT...I want to be able to feed him from my plate. That means what's on my plate needs to be healthy. Period.

3. The weather is starting to cool off and there is no reason not to get out there and do some active adventures with my dudes. I don't want to be a sit in the house and stare at the TV kind of family. Every once and a while, surey bob, but all the time...NOPE!

4. I want to set an example for Hudson. To show him that living healthy is an important lifestyle choice. I want us to live that choice.

5. Last night, after indulging to the max in hamburgers and onion rings from The Wineburger (Oh, wow, yummo)...I was exhausted. Gary and I had talked about getting chocolate shakes since it was his 32 birthday but I was falling asleep. Gary said, "You're falling asleep, I guess you don't want desert huh?". My reply, "That's okay, go get them, I'll wake up for a shake." And I meant it. And I did it. I fell sound asleep as Gary went to get the shakes, I woke up, sucked that bad boy down, and went back to sleep. To me, my friends, that is a problem. I am a total, 100%, sugar addict and it's got to stop!

6. I want to feel as good as I did in this picture:

This was taken in 2005 when Gary and I had been dating for about 9 months. Sure, it would be nice to wear that size dress again...but that really isn't my goal. I want to feel like I did then...super duper sexy! Whether I was or not...that's up to your interpretation...but let's be honest...I was totally HOTT Hot! :)

So there it is...I'll let you know how it goes.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

...6 months

I love my son. I mean, I LOVE HIM. I look at Hudson and just marvel at his perfection. He is crazy awesome! Being a mom is tough. Tiring. Stressful. And WONDERFUL. So my little guy is 25 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe it. A few tidbits about the boy:

-Sitting all by himself.
-Yo Gabba Gabba.
-Gary's silly songs. And his dad in general. He will stop anything when he hears Gary's voice.
-The ABC's, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Pattycake.
-The dogs.
-Nakey time.
-Food...he's had avocados, bananas, carrots, and sweet potatoes.
-The boob. He seems to understand the sign for milk. If he wants to nurse when I make the sign, he lets me know by smiling, crying, or trying to eat my hand. More on breastfeeding in an upcoming post.

-Laying down while awake. Seriously, not a fan.
-Loud startling noises. Went to a baseball game...again, not a fan.
-The carseat. His arch enemy.

Obviously his like list is much longer. I guess that means we have a happy baby. Or maybe it just means we ain't seen nothing yet!

Seriously though, I love him. How could I not?