Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hudson's take on little brother or sister!

Hudson is very excited for this new little baby. As much as any two year old can be, I suppose!  Here are just a few of his moments:

  • He likes to rub my belly and tell people, "my Mom has a baby in her belly". 
  • He loves to ask, "Mom, is the baby ready to come out yet?" or say, "I will share my dump truck with the baby". 
  • One of his less generous sayings, "I will not share my craons (that's how he says crayons), the baby will have to get her own". 
  • Speaking of "her", he usually thinks the baby is a girl.  
  • He likes me to tell him about when he was born and then repeat, "I was born at Phoenix Batipatist Hopistal. (Phoenix Baptist Hospital). He tries really hard to enunciate each word correctly, it's just too cute when it comes out all garbled. 
  • His new favorite, "When the baby comes out she will drink milk from your boobies like I did when I was a little baby". He doesn't actually remember this, we just talk about it. In fact, when I first told him my boobies will make milk for the baby, he was astonished and flabbergasted. He almost acted betrayed as if I'd been keeping some secret source of milk from him all these months
As excited as I am to meet this new little human, I'm just as excited to see how Hudson grows into a big brother and his own little person along the way!

And just to show you how cute he's a video of Hudson lip singing a song in the car. 


Monday, June 10, 2013

Here we are...almost 1 year later...and another baby on the way!

Well, I know I said I would be back to blogging, I would write posts, I would be good, I swear. Well, I lied. Not intentionally of course, but as I logged back in to this world, I noticed it's been almost a year since I blogged. Where did time go? Seriously, that's not a rhetorical question. Where did it go?

So back to the title of this post...yes, I've been gone almost a year. And yes, we have another baby on the way. I'm 14 weeks and 3 days along with a healthy little baby! WHOO HOO! Estimated due date is December 6th:) This one happened super a "couple of weeks of not preventing" fast. I just couldn't believe it. Here are the three pregnancy tests to prove I was in shock.

The top one is the faintest line from Wednesday before Flo was supposed to arrive. I actually threw it away after a minute because I thought it wasn't positive. Then I pulled it out of the trash 30 seconds later and saw that faint line. The next one is from Thursday...darker line. And then Friday's is much clearer. Make no mistake, I took probably 5 more tests just to be sure. Good thing they are from the dollar store:)

I'm already feeling this little sesame move. Not all the time and not super strong, but definite flutters, buzzing, twists and turns. It never gets old for's one of my favorite feelings in the whole entire universe.

I hope to be here more often, posting updates, and saying hello. It's so nice to have a mini journal from my pregnancy with Hudson, and I want the same for this baby!  Speaking of Hudson, how cute is this little munchkin?!