Yep, today is our due date. Baby is officially 40 weeks old today. We decided to celebrate today by lounging around, going to see a movie, sneaking in snacks to said movie, eating cheese steaks for lunch (Gary is picking them up right now), and who knows what other crazy fun we might get in to.
Also, the waiting isn't that bad now. Really, I mean it, really! I don't love it, I am anxious to meet our little boy, but if he needs time to cook, so be it! Also, if he can wait until the 23rd, I won't have to go the long way around to get my Short Term Disability. Pragmatic much? I know, but it does help my patience.
Most importantly, mom and baby still appear healthy and we are so freakin crazy excited to smother this baby with kisses.
Oh, and I am really excited about my cheese steak...hurry up Gary!