Wednesday, February 2, 2011

With the quickness

Quick update:

Monday: Went to the midwife...everything was the same. Same BP, same fingertip dilated, same 70% effaced. Got more blood drawn.

Tuesday: Call from midwife...blood work looks good. Levels on uric acid and liver enzymes, all within normal range.

Wednesday: Call from doctor's office...come in for ultrasound on Thursday to check baby's growth, come in for consult with one of the docs on Friday.

What does all this mean?? I'm not sure. It seems to me that it's all leading up to an induction. I have accepted that. It's not what I wanted, but if it's to be, so be it. I just really want the midwife attended birth. So I will be able to chat with the doc on Friday to see if that's still a possiblity. I bet it will be. I am willing it to be. Of course, if the ultrasound looks iffy, we'll go with what goes.

So I'm just praying to go into labor on my own today or tomorrow. Then we will proceed as normal and this baby was ready to come on his own. So for those few readers out there...send some good contraction energy/prayers my way. Let's get this baby going:)



  1. Today or tomorrow--that's amazing! Go for a long walk, that may help. Oh my gosh, thinking of you!!!

  2. Hey Kim,
    We are thinking of you over here in California. Whatever those docs have to do, I don't care, to keep mama and baby safe, is alright with me. So close!
