Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So close

So close is right! 25 days until our due date, February 20th. We all know that due dates are not be all, end all dates. In fact, the chances of me actually giving birth on that date, not so good. Yesterday was my 36 week check up (36 weeks and 2 days).
Bad news #1: If this baby comes before February 23rd, I probably won't qualify for my short term disability pay. Bummer.
Bad news #2: I gained 9 pounds! That's 9 pounds in 2 weeks. Ouch.
Bad news #3: My blood pressure was 150/90. I had them recheck. Three times. Guess what? Still 150/90. That's high, way high.
Bad news #4: Pee stick turned green. For me, that means protein in the pee.
Bad news #5: Blood draw, 3 attempts before she struck gold!
Bad news #6: If this sticks around, we might have to induce. Inducing is not what I wanted, trying to avoid the possible snowball effect (watch The Business of Being Born, very interesting indeed).

What news 3 and 4 might be=preeclampsia. Google it, it can be bad.
What news 5 might tell us=how bad 3 and 4 really are. Won't know until Friday when I go back to the doctor. If everything looks okay with my bloodwork, they will probably just watch the blood pressure. Although that depends on what my numbers are that day.

I spent so much time yesterday thinking about all the bad. Bad news this, bad news that. Then today I stopped myself and started thinking about the good things.

Good thing #1: I have a great job that is super flexible with me and a wonderful support network to help me through whatever comes my way.
Good thing #2: Baby looks healthy and strong. Strong heartbeat, lots of kicks, my sweet wiggly boy.
Good thing #3: I have only gained 30 lbs so far, still within healthy range, so no big deal really. And no stretch marks yet either.
Good thing #4: No other signs of preeclampsia, so even if it's there, it's mild. On that same note, baby is almost considered full term, so if they had to induce, he should be big enough and strong enough:)
Good thing #5: I am married to a wonderful man and have two really cool dogs!

With all the bad and all the good, I am reminded that this is just how life goes. Never perfect, but glorious in all its wonkiness. Yep, I said wonkiness.

Embrace the wonky with me people. And send good thoughts my way for Friday.



  1. I am sending you lots and lots of good thoughts! I had the same thing happen (blood pressure, etc..) at the end of my last pregnancy, and I was SOOOOO anti-inducing or really anti-medical for that matter (love that movie, btw.). But it ended up working out, so I am hoping the same for you! Good luck!!

    Try not to worry too much! Easier said than done, right?! ;)
