Thursday, September 2, 2010

...then comes marriage.

Well it's been a while to say the least. A while since I have blogged at least. I used to have a blog, way back before I was married, way back before I was engaged, but not before I was with the love of my life and our two snuggly puppies.

Fast forward almost 2 years...and here I am, here we are. Quick summary with more detailed entries to follow...

December 11, 2004, Gary and I start dating. It was love quicker than either of us could imagine, expected, or dare I say, wanted:) But there we were. Traveling from Tucson to Phoenix and Phoenix to Tucson to snatch weekends or weeknights together.

May 2005, Gary moves to Tucson. It was marvelous. We lived together in two different little places. First a tiny 1 bedroom apartment that was just too tiny. Next, we found our "cabin". An awesome 1 bedroom little guy that suited us perfectly. Then, in July 2006...Gary got a job in Phoenix. Back to commuting.

December 15, 2007, I make the move back to Phoenix. Sweet relief for my tired from driving buttcheeks.

October 11, 2008, Engaged. Gary pulled off a marvelous surprise, proposed, I accepted (duh!) and we were off for a trip to Portland and the Oregon coast.

September 26, 2009, Married. We had a simple garden wedding with as many friends and family as could make it and it was lovely.

WAIT. STOP. We haven't finished the song. You know the one...sing it with me...First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes...

The baby in the baby carriage. That's right folks, read on...

June 26, that magical pee stick showed me two lines. That's right, two lines. For those who have never experienced the magical dollar store pee stick, that means pregnant. We. Were. Shocked. Okay, people always ask, "were you trying?". Well obviously, we aren't idiots, so having sex with no protection could result in pregnancy. We just thought it would take longer. Ok, so maybe we are idiots:) As my doctor said, "well, at least we know you're fertile!". True dat buddy, true dat.

Today, 15 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Feeling fine and dandy as can be. So excited for the day I get to feel this baby move inside of me. So excited for September 23rd when we will have our first ultrasound. What do we think, Boy or Girl?


  1. Congrats neighbors! We are so excited for you guys!

  2. Are you going to find out what you are having? My gut isn't saying boy or girl yet, but I will let you know when it does. Usually I have to see the pregnant belly. I've been right twice! (I know, impressive). Glad you have a blog. I do read these things, so keep me posted! Love ya!

  3. I am so excited!!!!!! I that feeling when you realize that that gas feeling you have been feeling for the past few hours is actually your baby moving. uh, so fun!
    I'm so excited for you guys! We love you so much. I want to see more pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Thanks ladies!! Lauren, I think we are going to find out. Gary really wants to know and I am too curious, you know me. Keara, it would be great if the gas wasn't just gas:) Someday soon I am sure!

